Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Next new

Being that I am fascinated with recipes, cooking and baking I would choose to make a new media that is based on sharing recipes. The new app will be a combination of something similar to Instagram, Pintrest, and SnapChat. With the app users will have the option of taking multiple shots or a video of 1 minute and upload them to the app. When recording users can stop the video at anytime and resume recording as many shots as they want as long as their video does not pass the one minute mark. When publishing the video users will be able to add corresponding tags to their video. For example "chicken, fried, " can be the tags for a fried chicken. If another user wants to search a video of how to make fried chicken they search those tags and your video has the possibility of poping up. The videos with the most views and likes are more likely to show up first. This app will be based on food and food only.... no personal selfies unless it involves a food item.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wiki So Far

I have not began the process contribute to the class wiki page but I do know what I would be contributing. I enjoy cooking and baking. For the class wiki I will add a "how-to-do" page with one a savory recipe and one dessert recipe. I am going to add a new category "Recipes" to our class wiki. I will also upload pictures of the finished product and I will also upload pictures of some of the steps as I do them. Friday I need to make "Baked Macaroni and Cheese" for a baby shower so I will use that as my savory dish.

P2P File Sharing

File Sharing: The ability to transmit files from one computer to another over a network or the internet.

P2P File Sharing: Allows users to access and  download files such as: Media Files, E books, Software, Music, Movies and much more. The P2P software program searches for other computers connected on the same network in order to download the desired content.

Examples of P2P File Sharing:

Limewire was a music sharing network that was similar to Napster that I use to use growing up. I was able to download Albums and singles for free before the site got shut down. 

BitTorrent (From the reading "The BitTorrent Effect") Is one of the most successful peer-to-peer programs. It lets users quickly upload and download an huge amount of data. It is said that the amount of data traffic shared through BitTorrent amounts to more than 1/3 of the data sent through the Internet and over 20 million users have downloaded their application. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Privacy and new media is a difficult topic to discuss. "The Wild West Of Privacy"  is an excellent article that shows how difficult it is to protect privacy rights on the web and pinpoints the many changes that we as a Country need to take in order to ensure that those rights are protected. Many users don't know that big Internet companies collect micro data about us. This data can be used to learn about our finances, sexual orientation and even our habits. About four years ago the Obama administration proposed to pass a privacy legislation that didn't go nowhere. This legislation would have acted like a Bill of Rights for the "web-world". I think it is important to have something like this enacted because the Internet in itself is like a country, world, and planet in itself. Experts have said that the bill should consist of a way to regulate data brokers, and opt-out instead of an opt-in in terms of agreements, and incentives to give companies to prevent data breaches.


I would first tell Baruch that we need to conduct a quantitative and qualitative survey. The quantitative survey should consist of questions that will paint a broad picture of how many students and faculty members at Baruch use new media, and how often. The qualitative survey will be used to determine which new media platform do students and faculty members prefer and which one would be more efficient. Lets pretend that the survey comes back and we determine that the highest ranking new media platforms are Facebook and Instagram and that students prefer reading or hearing about Baruch's communication from there. We now have to create awareness throughout the campus. I suggest making stickers and posting the, throughout the campus (the type of stickers you usually find stuck on the bathroom mirrors). I also suggest have a team of mostly professional students and some faculty members handle these accounts. It gives it a better sense of realism. Students often tend to relate and connect with other students. Some examples of how these platforms can be utilized are to promote events, new classes, welcome professors, create awareness for Baruch's events.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


New Media fosters creativity by allowing people to create mash-up. Mash-ups are a combination of different snippets of movies and TV shows. Mash-ups have created alot of controversy because although they are pieced together by users (creating an individual work of art) big entities such as Disney often sue these artist for copyright infringements. Now it is important to note that these are billion dollar corporations going after fame-less DJs who create these mashups for fun or remixes. Disney is known for keeping a close eye on its animated characters. Two semesters ago I saw a film in my media class about mash ups, and how long they take to create and the skills they required. The finish product is usually something that sounds or looks like any finished product of the snippets they used. An article posted on says that Disney believes that any use of its property is stealing, whereas Nickelodeon see the humorous videos as fair use of its copyrighted content. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual words can be used in different ways. In the article "I've been in that Club, just not in real life" a person enters a three-dimensional replica of a club that is just a few blocks away from his house. He has spent the last three months visiting an online social-networking replica of his neighborhood, interacting with many other users that rather enter these spaces from the comforts of their own home. Virtual worlds can be used for various reasons such as the one above. People who cannot physically make it to certain places because of a disability get to experience these places from a computer screen. Virtual worlds can also be used as virtual classrooms. The advantages of this are that it offers flexible access and new ways of communication and assessing for students and teachers. The good thing about virtual worlds is that they give some people the ability to do things that they cannot do in the real world. The downfall to virtual worlds is that they can become obsessive for some people where they think that the virtual world is the actual real world and loose their sense of reality. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

TWITR: Blog About Twitter

CUNY's Blackboard system and Twitter are very similar in various ways. They both serve as a discussion board and both foster the concept of interacting and idea sharing.  Although Blackboard is more towards the educational side people can still learn a lot from Twitter via news articles links, videos, and verified Twitter accounts. Twitter limits its users to 140 characters per tweet as appose to Blackboard where users can contribute as much as they want. During my two years at Baruch I have witnessed professors requiring students to actively participate in class discussions on both Blackboard and Twitter. Preferably, I rather interact through Blackboard when it comes to class discussions because it gives me more room to express myself. Twitter on the other hand limits the amount of space you have to express yourself but also prompts you to choose your words wisely. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Social Networking Sites

I have to admit, I was never too fond of social networking websites; I don't think I still am. Nonetheless to say I have to admit I do own my fair-share of them. I own a Facebook account, Twitter account, Instagram account, and a Pinterest account. I had to open my Facebook account and Twitter account because of school (it was required for certain classes). My Instagram account and Pinterest account I opened because I enjoyed the sites and felt that they were the most private out of all of them. My first impression about Facebook is that it is in need of too much information, TMI! Its homepage asks you if you want to update a status, add photos/videos, or create albums. It could be a little overwhelming for some people. I personally don't like to put my personal business on Facebook, I don't like to tag my location or put personal information like my phone number and where I live. Twitter on the other hand is just like Instagram, It is as personal as you want it to be. Twitter can come off a bit intimidating. The fact that you only have 140 characters to say what you need to say can make anyone nervous. Unlike Facebook, twitter is more about vocalizing ones thoughts. It doesn't press for personal information like your phone number or the school you graduated from. To me its more of a "news-sharing" website. Instagram is one of my favorites. Its a very personal website, but just as personal as you let it be. It's very creative, quirky, and fun. Similar to Twitter you can share information based on a picture. Pinterest is similar to Instagram. It is based on the concept of photo sharing. Its layout is very inviting and the requirements to sign up are not as personal as Facebook. Ideas are shared through the form of pictures and links to websites (similar to Twitter). Pinterest fosters learning.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Social Networking

Corporate entities can use social media technologies to create a closer relationship between their company and it’s stakeholders. A social media platform such as Twitter or Instagram can be the solid foundation of any factual news in relation to what is going on within the company. It is an inexpensive way of building an empire. In 2007 Senator Barack Obama understood that he could use the web to lower cost and create a sense of connection and engagement with the people all while controlling and dispensing any particular information that he wanted to release ( Social media is a platform for a two-way relationship. Social media can also have a dark side. False information can get leaked, accounts can get hacked into, and users (especially users who serve as influencers) have to be very particular at what they say and the image that they portray. An article titled “They’re Back, and They’re Bad: Campus-Gossip Web Sites” explains how students use blog sites to post anonymous attacks on classmates. It says that some of these websites are exclusively built to abuse, harm and embarrass students with personal attack within message boards. I’ve personally seen both sides to social media. I’ve seen viral videos of children getting bullied and I’ve also seen videos of people presenting acts of kindness. When it comes to evolving I think that these technologies are evolving and adapting to the change frequently. I say this because it is hard to tell what kind of harm some of these technologies can cause without experiencing it first. After experiencing it we can see those same technologies evolve and shift as to where they can minimize or prevent the harm that is occurring. For example, there have been videos that have gone viral of people going around randomly punching someone in the face. These videos often catch the attention of law enforcement and in no time the perpetrators are caught and held accountable. Although the damage is already done these social networking platforms help catch “the bad guys”.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blogs Vs. Wiki

Blogs are an alternative to personal webpages. They are a regularly updated web page, typically ran by an individual and is written in an informal or conversational style (  They usually involve regularly updated post, links to news articles, documents and other blog post that are filled with passion and identity. Personal blogs are usually not censored which gives them a sense of authenticity compared to corporate blogs which are censored and very careful of what they publicize.  Examples of blogs are twitter, Tumblr, and  A perfect example of a blog and how personal it can be can be read in an article posted in the New York Times titled “Pentagon Keeps Wary Watch as Troops Blog”.  The article is about an Army specialist who maintained a blog about life at the front and his experiences, which fell under the Army’s radar because it was not officially approved. A Wiki on the other hand is a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users (  Posting on a wiki is relatively easy and can be done by different users. It is often created as a team-wide or company-wide knowledge base.  Wikipedia is a perfect example of a wiki (hence the name). “How to use Wikis For Business”, an article posted on states that “ a simple open-source app called wiki may soon rule the knowledge management roost.

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Who takes the credit: YouTube or Society?

It is fascinating to explore the virtual world of YouTube. People, places and things are all connected and shared with the click of a button. The spread of information and wisdom has evolved from the confinements of a classroom to a virtual space that has no limits. A person no longer has to visit France to say that they've seen the Eiffel Tower or go to a culinary institute to learn how to cook like a chef. People from all around the world upload videos and contribute to YouTube. With an already immeasurable amount of information YouTube offers it still continues to grow each and everyday. My paper will explore the informational benefits that YouTube has to offer and analyze the positive and negative effects that those benefits have on society.

Friday, February 5, 2016



Thoughts & a li'l more.... Your probably wondering where I got that from? Truth is I'm still wondering myself. I've been hesitant in creating a personal blog for a while now, but I am not sure why. I guess every time I say I'm going to create one I get cold feet and back out. What's so scary about blogs? Um, maybe it's because your writing is put out there for the world to see and critique, maybe it's because people might not find you interesting and no one wants to read what you have to say, maybe it's because you don't have confidence in yourself and you feel that you don't have what it takes to create and manage a successful blog. If that is the case, what defines a successful blog? That is a question I believe I cannot answer now. A definition won't satisfy it. Only TIME can. I need to feel what a successful blog is, not look up the definition. What are the things you can expect to read in my blog?  Pretty much anything I feel like sharing & hopefully things you feel like reading.