Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Next new

Being that I am fascinated with recipes, cooking and baking I would choose to make a new media that is based on sharing recipes. The new app will be a combination of something similar to Instagram, Pintrest, and SnapChat. With the app users will have the option of taking multiple shots or a video of 1 minute and upload them to the app. When recording users can stop the video at anytime and resume recording as many shots as they want as long as their video does not pass the one minute mark. When publishing the video users will be able to add corresponding tags to their video. For example "chicken, fried, " can be the tags for a fried chicken. If another user wants to search a video of how to make fried chicken they search those tags and your video has the possibility of poping up. The videos with the most views and likes are more likely to show up first. This app will be based on food and food only.... no personal selfies unless it involves a food item.