Friday, February 26, 2016

Social Networking

Corporate entities can use social media technologies to create a closer relationship between their company and it’s stakeholders. A social media platform such as Twitter or Instagram can be the solid foundation of any factual news in relation to what is going on within the company. It is an inexpensive way of building an empire. In 2007 Senator Barack Obama understood that he could use the web to lower cost and create a sense of connection and engagement with the people all while controlling and dispensing any particular information that he wanted to release ( Social media is a platform for a two-way relationship. Social media can also have a dark side. False information can get leaked, accounts can get hacked into, and users (especially users who serve as influencers) have to be very particular at what they say and the image that they portray. An article titled “They’re Back, and They’re Bad: Campus-Gossip Web Sites” explains how students use blog sites to post anonymous attacks on classmates. It says that some of these websites are exclusively built to abuse, harm and embarrass students with personal attack within message boards. I’ve personally seen both sides to social media. I’ve seen viral videos of children getting bullied and I’ve also seen videos of people presenting acts of kindness. When it comes to evolving I think that these technologies are evolving and adapting to the change frequently. I say this because it is hard to tell what kind of harm some of these technologies can cause without experiencing it first. After experiencing it we can see those same technologies evolve and shift as to where they can minimize or prevent the harm that is occurring. For example, there have been videos that have gone viral of people going around randomly punching someone in the face. These videos often catch the attention of law enforcement and in no time the perpetrators are caught and held accountable. Although the damage is already done these social networking platforms help catch “the bad guys”.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Blogs Vs. Wiki

Blogs are an alternative to personal webpages. They are a regularly updated web page, typically ran by an individual and is written in an informal or conversational style (  They usually involve regularly updated post, links to news articles, documents and other blog post that are filled with passion and identity. Personal blogs are usually not censored which gives them a sense of authenticity compared to corporate blogs which are censored and very careful of what they publicize.  Examples of blogs are twitter, Tumblr, and  A perfect example of a blog and how personal it can be can be read in an article posted in the New York Times titled “Pentagon Keeps Wary Watch as Troops Blog”.  The article is about an Army specialist who maintained a blog about life at the front and his experiences, which fell under the Army’s radar because it was not officially approved. A Wiki on the other hand is a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users (  Posting on a wiki is relatively easy and can be done by different users. It is often created as a team-wide or company-wide knowledge base.  Wikipedia is a perfect example of a wiki (hence the name). “How to use Wikis For Business”, an article posted on states that “ a simple open-source app called wiki may soon rule the knowledge management roost.

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Who takes the credit: YouTube or Society?

It is fascinating to explore the virtual world of YouTube. People, places and things are all connected and shared with the click of a button. The spread of information and wisdom has evolved from the confinements of a classroom to a virtual space that has no limits. A person no longer has to visit France to say that they've seen the Eiffel Tower or go to a culinary institute to learn how to cook like a chef. People from all around the world upload videos and contribute to YouTube. With an already immeasurable amount of information YouTube offers it still continues to grow each and everyday. My paper will explore the informational benefits that YouTube has to offer and analyze the positive and negative effects that those benefits have on society.

Friday, February 5, 2016



Thoughts & a li'l more.... Your probably wondering where I got that from? Truth is I'm still wondering myself. I've been hesitant in creating a personal blog for a while now, but I am not sure why. I guess every time I say I'm going to create one I get cold feet and back out. What's so scary about blogs? Um, maybe it's because your writing is put out there for the world to see and critique, maybe it's because people might not find you interesting and no one wants to read what you have to say, maybe it's because you don't have confidence in yourself and you feel that you don't have what it takes to create and manage a successful blog. If that is the case, what defines a successful blog? That is a question I believe I cannot answer now. A definition won't satisfy it. Only TIME can. I need to feel what a successful blog is, not look up the definition. What are the things you can expect to read in my blog?  Pretty much anything I feel like sharing & hopefully things you feel like reading.